SRSG's Statement to Security Council - 22 October 2024

22 Oct 2024

SRSG's Statement to Security Council - 22 October 2024

Madam President, 

Distinguished Members of the Council, 



Ladies and Gentlemen:

Sinc my last briefing to this Council in July, the situation in Haiti has regrettably worsened. There are more than 700,000 internally displaced persons, which represents a 22 per cent increase in the last 3 months. The political process, despite initial advances, which I reported in July, is now facing significant challenges, turning hope into deep concern. The security situation remains extremely fragile, with renewed peaks of acute violence. Haitians continue to suffer across the country as criminal gang activities escalate and expand beyond Port-au-Prince, spreading terror and fear, overwhelming the national security apparatus. The humanitarian situation is even more dire.  

On 3 October, a horrific and brutal gang attack on the small town of Port Sondé, in the Artibonite Department, left 115 civilians dead and dozens injured. The attack highlighted the insecurity in which Haitians are forced to live and has further exacerbated the humanitarian crisis. This horrific event, which shocked the country, drove thousands of residents to flee their homes, seeking refuge in other areas and is yet another reminder of the deepening insecurity that continues to wreak havoc on the daily lives of Haitians. 

Gangs are also attacking in the sea. Small boats transporting civilians from the capital to other areas in Haiti have been attacked. Personnel of international cargo freight companies have been kidnapped causing international freight companies to suspend services to Haiti. Over the last five days various areas of Port-au-Prince like Solino, Nazon, Lower Delmas, Cité Militaire, Drouillard, Tabarre, Croix-de Bouquets, Cité Doudoune, and Arcahaie in the West Department, as well as L’Estere in the Artibonite Department, have been consistently attacked by different gang groups of the Viv Ensemble alliance. 

Madame la présidente,

Je tiens à souligner l’impact dévastateur de cette violence sur la population haïtienne. Des femmes, des hommes, et surtout des enfants, subissent de plein fouet les atrocités commises par les gangs, qui se traduisent par des meurtres, des enlèvements, et des violences sexuelles d’une brutalité inouïe dans les régions impactées. Les gangs utilisent systématiquement la violence sexuelle comme arme de terreur et de soumission, infligeant des souffrances indicibles aux femmes et aux filles, ainsi qu’à d’autres groupes vulnérables. Le peuple haïtien continue de souffrir dans des conditions de vie terribles, avec un accès de plus en plus limité aux services essentiels, notamment dans les zones où des milliers de personnes ont été déplacées, fuyant cette terreur.

Since their first deployment in June, the Kenyan contingents of the Multinational Security Support mission (MSS) have been joined by counterparts from the Bahamas, Belize and Jamaica. Around 430 personnel are deployed and their presence is a welcome development. Yet, it is far from enough. The announcement made by President Ruto of Kenya on the deployment, in the coming weeks, of a further contingent to complement the already deployed forces is well received. 

Despite some pledges to the Trust Fund, the MSS mission remains critically under-resourced, which could impact deployment and impede it from carryig out its tasks in support of the Haitian National Police.

Madame President,  

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the members of this Council for the renewal of BINUH’s mandate in July. This renewed mandate provides the necessary framework for BINUH to continue its critical work in supporting Haiti during this transition period.

In response to the Council's request, we have actively developed a comprehensive strategy to support the Haitian-led political process. This strategy incorporates the need for strengthened inclusive national dialogue, reinforced support for electoral and constitutional reforms and increased public security through enhanced cooperation with the Haitian National Police (HNP) and the MSS. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank this honourable Council for its decisive support to resolutions regarding Haiti, including on the renewal of the Sanctions Regime and the MSS mandate.


Throughout the reporting period, the limited progress achieved by national authorities in implementing transitional governance arrangements agreed upon have been seriously overshadowed by increasing divergencies within the dual-headed executive.

On 7 October, Mr. Leslie Voltaire succeeded Mr. Edgard Leblanc as President of the Transitional Presidential Council, in a modified order of the pro-tempore presidency of the TPC amidst corruption allegations against three of its members. Tensions between the TPC and the government have augmented. As a result, public frustration over the conflictual dynamics affecting the work of the transitional authorities has increased and is eroding trust in the current political process. 

Delivering on its mandate, BINUH is working to strengthen collaboration within the two-headed executive, urging them to set aside differences and focus on addressing insecurity, governance reforms, and electoral preparations. The two-headed executive needs to act in unity and with greater sense of responsibility to address the country’s most pressing challenges. 

Dans ce cadre, les efforts conjoints des autorités de la transition, qu'ils concernent le domaine sécuritaire, politique ou de la bonne gouvernance, doivent impérativement s'accompagner d'une lutte résolue contre l'impunité et la corruption, ainsi que d'un renforcement de l’état de droit. Le renforcement des institutions judiciaires haïtiennes, et leur capacité à travailler en toute indépendance, afin que justice soit rendue, demeurent fondamentaux pour rétablir et consolider la confiance des citoyens dans leurs dirigeants et l’administration publique.

The Transitional Presidential Council mandated a National Conference, an inclusive multi-stakeholder mechanism, to provide recommendations on constitutional reforms, the development of a new social contract, and the redefinition of state-society relations, including reforms to the judicial system and the organization of state institutions. Empowering, enabling and supporting the work of the National Conference is urgent, including to avoid delays in the implementation of its mandate which could have a negative impact on the electoral timetable.

The nomination and installation on 18 October of seven of the nine members of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) in their functions is a first step in the right direction. Nevertheless, the full establishment of the Provisional Electoral Council is urgently required. I urge the remaining sectors to nominate their representatives promptly, to allow the completion of the Provisional Electoral Council. Active participation of all sectors is crucial and allow for electoral preparations to move forward at full speed, including with regards to the roadmap, as requested by this Council. Women and Human Rights sectors cannot be absent from this process. Further delays will necessarily have an impact on the agreed electoral timeline.


The humanitarian situation remains extremely dire. Food insecurity affects nearly half of the population and gang control over key access roads has severely disrupted the distribution of essential goods and services. As a result, prices have increased, and many communities are on the verge of collapse due to food shortages and the ongoing violence that has left large swathes of agricultural land unproductive.

This combination of insecurity and economic instability has led to widespread displacement, with thousands of people fleeing their homes in search of safety. The International Organization for Migration has reported a significant increase in the number of internally displaced persons, exacerbating an already fragile humanitarian situation. Countrywide, more than 700,000 people are internally displaced today, more than half of whom are children. These figures represent a 22 per cent increase in the last three months.

Only 20 per cent of health facilities in Port-au-Prince are operational, and 40 per cent nationwide. 45 per cent of the population lack access to clean drinking water. Access to education is critically hindered, with 1,000 schools closed due to insecurity.

Madam President, Distinguished Members, Excellencies, Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen,

The new governance arrangements for the transition, the expected deployment of the MSS and the prospect of holding elections before the end of 2025 offered a glimmer of hope. Nevertheless, time is marching on. To guarantee inclusive, credible and participatory elections, including both a referendum and general elections, a steadfast commitment of all stakeholders to revitalizing the national consensus and placing national interests above their own is of the essence. It is only through unwavering dedication to the implementation of the commitments agreed upon in March 2024 that the elections can truly contribute to restoring governance and stability in Haiti. Further efforts are needed to rebuild public trust and ensure the legitimacy of the political process. Support to the Haitian security apparatus and funding of the MSS are fundamental.

La voie à suivre pour Haïti est semée d’embûches. Nous exhortons donc les acteurs politiques à éviter tout risque de déraillement du processus politique et appelons la communauté internationale à maintenir son soutien indéfectible au peuple haïtien dans sa quête de stabilité. Le BINUH, en coopération avec ses partenaires, continuera à fournir le soutien stratégique nécessaire pour naviguer cette période critique. 

Le progrès sur le plan politique, l’amélioration de la sécurité et les mesures ciblées contre tous les fauteurs de troubles qui continuent de menacer le cheminement d’Haïti vers la restauration des institutions démocratiques resteront essentiels à l’avenir.

La résilience et la force du peuple haïtien sont extraordinaires et méritent notre soutien indéfectible sur tous les fronts. Nous devons rester déterminés à aider Haïti dans son chemin vers la sécurité, la stabilité et la prospérité.
